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HP Laser MFP 432fdn Printer 7UQ76A
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Printer Parts
Printer Information
JC31-00146A - Fan;Type4,24,100ma,2.794mmh20
Power Cord
8121-0729 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Argentina)
8121-0731 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (75in) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Europe)Limited supply only.
8121-0733 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220VAC in Denmark)
8121-0735 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220V in Chile)
8121-0737 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 240VAC in India and South Africa)
8121-0738 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220VAC in Switzerland)
8121-0739 - Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG, three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 240V in Singapore, Hong Kong and the U.K.)
8121-0740 - Power cord (Black) - 3-wire, 18 AWG, 1.9m (75in) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (for 120V in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Taiwan)
8121-1004 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - Three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 220VAC in Israel)
8121-1071 - Power cord (Black) - Three conductor, 1.9m (6.25ft) long - Has straight (F) C13 receptacle (For 127VAC in Brazil)
0604-001415 - Photo-Interrupter,Tr,Dip-4,Bk
0609-001408 - Contact Image Sensor;218mm,103
3001-002262 - SPEAKER,0.3W,8ohm,81dB,400Hz,5
6602-002970 - Belt-Timing Gear;759teeth,Poly
JC31-00144C - Motor Bldc,1100 3000,24,2.2,32
JC33-00031A - Solenoid-Lifting;Dah-10h080-01
JC39-01478A - Flat Cable;Ml-3710,20p,360mm,A
JC39-01482A - Harness-Ac Inlet-1;Ml-3710,Ul1
JC39-01493A - Harness-Dadf;Scx-5637fr,Ul1027
JC39-02022A - Flat Cable-Radf Cis;Sl-M4075fr
JC44-00197A - Hvps;24v,21.6v 27.6v,Max 5kv,M
JC47-00033A - Clutch-Electric;2.5,24,1,120ma
JC47-00036B - Clutch-Electric;2.5,45,0.6,120
JC47-00036BMP - 10pCLUTCHELECTRI;2.5,45,0.6,12
JC61-00387A - Spring Etc-Pad;Ml-9400w,Sus304
JC61-00585A - Bush-M-Feed Idle;Ml-1710,Pom
JC61-04064A - Guide-Frame Duplex;Ml-3700,Abs
JC61-04067A - Holder-Exit Sensor;Ml-3710,Abs
JC61-04098A - Stacker-Bin Full;Magpie,Pc,2,4
JC61-04100A - Housing-Pick Up;Ml-3710nd,Pom
JC63-00209A - Sheet-White Sponge;Scx-4216f,P
JC66-00340A - Gear-Hub Clutch;Pom,18.5,10.4
JC66-00977A - Clutch-Pone Way;Scx-6345n/Xrx
JC66-01022A - Roller Idle-M Scf;Scx-6345n,Po
JC66-01657A - Roller Idle-Feed Dup2;Ml-2851n
JC66-02762A - Actuator-Empty;Ml-3710,Pom,3.0
JC66-02764A - Actuator-Feed;Ml-3710,Pc+gf,3.
JC66-02766A - Actuator-Emptymp;Ml-3710nd,Pc
JC66-02774A - Actuator-Exit;Ml-3700nd,Pa,2.0
JC66-02780A - Gear-Exit 65;Ml-3310,Pom,0.5,6
JC66-02797A - Roller Idle-Feed;Ml-3700,Epdm
JC66-02955A - Roller-Silicon Exit;Ml-3700,Si
JC73-00141A - Rpr-Pad Cassette;Ml-1510,Ureth
JC93-01279A - Frame-Actuator Regi,Sl-M4020,S
JG66-40003A - Gear-Pinion,Sf4000,Pom,1.0,Z16
JC44-00245A - Smps-V2,M4075fx/Xrx,Pspn2-Type
JC44-00246A - Smpsv1;M4075fx/Xrx,Pspn2type2v
JC66-00461A - Roller-M-Adf Idle,Scx-4114f,Po
JC66-02834A - Roller Idle-Feed Regi;Ml-3200
JC66-02842A - Roller Tr-Transfer;Magpie,5,Nb
JC66-04977A - ROLLER EXIT,SL-M4020,Shaft-Exi
JC67-00504A - Coupler;Ml-3710nd,Pom,Od25,Nat
JC72-00983A - Lock Slider;Ml-1710,Pom,Wht,F2
JC72-00984A - Plate-Guide Deve L;Ml-1710,Pom
JC72-00985A - Plate-Guide Deve R;Ml-1710,Pom
JC72-01343A - Pmo-Sub M Stacker;Ml-1520,Pc,39 25.5 3.5
JC72-41191B - Pmo;Ml-2150,Ntr,Pom,Nw-02
JC73-00340A - Roller Idle-Rubber-Pick Up; Pickup Roller Separation for Samsung ML3310 ML3312 ML3320 ML3370 ML3710 ML3712 ML3820 and similar models.
JC90-01032A - Cassette-Roller Retard;Ml-3710 Separation Roller X erox 3315 3325 3320 for DELL B1260 B1265
JC90-01043B - Mp,Scx-5637fr/Xrx,Xerox
JC90-01063B - Cassette Sub-Retard;Ml-4210nd
JC91-01023B - fuser assembly that is 110V. It is compatible with the HP M432 and M408 Fuser;Scx-5742frDell110v
JC91-01024B - HP Fuser Unit for Samsung ML3310 / ML3710 / SL-M3820 Fuser;Scx-5742fr Dell220v several Samsung models.
JC92-02472A - Pba-Ram Dimm;Clp-680nd,Sec,Kor
JC92-02625A - Pba-Dadf;Sl-M4075fr,Sec,Fr-4
JC93-00324A - Frame-Roller Decurl;Ml-3700
JC93-00334A - Frame-Rear;Ml-3710,Sec,World
JC93-00544B - Drive;Sec,70,Blk,Ml-4210nd
JC93-00545A - Drive-Feed;0,30,Blk,Ml-3710
JC93-00761A - Drive-Dadf;0,Polyurethane Foam
JC97-03038C - Left ADF Hinge
JC97-03069A - DADF Seperatation Pad
JC97-03220A - Etc-Mea-Unithinge;Clx-6200fx,S
JC97-04065A - Lsu;Ml-3750,Sec,Single,A4(Ltr)
JC97-04170A - Platen-Drivetrain;Clx-6260nd
JC97-04199A - Dadf-Pick Up;Clx-6260fr
JC72-00984AMP - 10pack-PLATE-GUIDEDEVEL;ML-171
JC72-00985AMP - 10pack-PLATE-GUIDEDEVER;ML-171
0609-001408MP - 5 CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR 218mm,10368DOT
6003-000269MP - 50 Screw-Taptype Bh,+,-,S,M3,L6,Zpc
0604-001415MP - 10 Photo-Interrupter Tr,Dip-4,Bk
JC66-02762AMP - 50 Actuator-Empty Ml-3710,Pom,3.0,43.1
050N00649 - Cassette-Roller Retard;Ml-3710 Separation Roller X erox 3315 3325 3320 for DELL B1260 B1265
0604-001393 - Photo-Interrupter;Tr,75mw,Bga
Service Parts
JC92-03045A - Cx95110-22z,3.3v,90mmx50mmx1.6t,Basic
7UQ76-40050 - Cover-Front
7UQ76-60001 - PBA main (220V)
7UQ76-60002 - PBA main (110V)
7UQ76-60101 - Dadf
7UQ76-60102 - Dsdf-Cover Open
7UQ76-61001 - Ope
JC90-01279C - Cassette Sub-Cover
JC97-04065ABU - Lsu;Ml-3750,Single,A4(Ltr),600,S1,78
7UQ75-40028 - Cassette
7UQ75-40036 - Duplex
7UQ76-60017 - Cover-Front
HP Laser MFP 432fdn Printer
HP Laser MFP 432fdn Printer
1 year warranty with OEM supplies from the manufacture.
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OEM is not available
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Mono Laser 7UQ76A
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